As mompreneurs, we often face the challenge of balancing our business aspirations with the demands of family life. One common struggle is dealing with feelings of guilt and fear when starting or growing a business while also holding down a job. In a recent Mompreneur Cafe discussion, several mompreneurs shared their experiences and insights on this topic:
Taking on a Second Job to Expand Your Business
One member shared how she took on a part-time job writing a column for a local magazine. While it may seem counterintuitive, she saw it as an opportunity to expand her consulting business by meeting other business owners and helping them appreciate their employees in a way that benefits their company. By having the column, she could share her message more widely.
Avoiding Judgment from Others
Another member pointed out that we shouldn’t judge others for taking on a second job to keep their dream business afloat. What matters is that it’s helping them pay the bills until they can transition fully. The guilt is something you have to overcome yourself by focusing on the practical benefits.
Mastermind Groups Provide Support and Accountability
A mastermind group can be a powerful way to move your business forward while providing support and accountability. The key is to limit the group to 7-12 members who show up consistently and provide constructive feedback. Each member presents their challenges, gets feedback, and comes up with an action plan to execute before the next meeting.
Creativity and Productivity Suffer with a Day Job
For some mompreneurs, especially those who write or create in the evenings, having a day job can hamper creativity and productivity. The fear and guilt of not making enough progress in your business can become overwhelming. A mastermind group can help you prioritize and make a plan to transition out of your job.
Giving Yourself Grace
Ultimately, we all face challenges and setbacks as mompreneurs. The key is to give yourself grace and not beat yourself up over the difficulties. Surround yourself with a supportive community and remember that even the best-laid plans can go awry when you have children. Lean on your village for support.The Mompreneur Cafe discussion highlighted the universal struggles mompreneurs face with guilt and fear. By sharing our experiences, seeking support, and giving ourselves grace, we can overcome these obstacles and build the businesses of our dreams.